Sunday, October 23, 2016

"I have NF just like you!"

This is my purpose that exceeds my pain. This is why I push through pain to make these capes. This is why my tumors and the issues they cause is "well" with my soul. When I told this little chicka that I have NF just like her. Dangit, tears are filling my eyes as I re-live it. The look that she gave me, I swear to you...I saw hope. I saw peace. I saw joy. I saw comfort. I knew that I had to give her one of our capes, so when I got a donation, I used part of it to pay for her cape. When I showed the cape to her she jumped and squealed and shook her fists with excitement and then ran at me with the sweetest hug. This is the life man. To fill these kids with joy and be able to relate with them. And then to fill their parents with hope as they learn about my tumor-ey journey yet see how I live is both humbling and inspiring. I absolutely love my LA neurofibromatosis family. Tomorrow I am meeting with the guy that is the head of marketing in the New York headquarters office for the children's tumor foundation to talk about working together in a more constant and larger scale way. I am unbelievably excited for the opportunities that this could bring. Pray for that if you'd like but could ya please share in the joy that @tumorhater raised $1,232?!?! And that I felt well enough to do the event yesterday? Also, how cute is her face!?!?!?! The way she is looking at me is just killing me. Also also, don't forget to follow tumor hater and to spread word so we can raise more funds for our heroes! Order any of our items at thanks friends!!

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